Tags: Ceiling Beams, Decorative Wall Panels, Faux Wood Beams, T&G Ceiling Planks, Tongue and Groove

Big home remodeling projects will see double-digit gains in the coming years, and adding faux wood beams to your home gives it an elegant look. A hollow faux wood beam draws your attention to the ceiling and gives your home an undeniable ‘wow’ factor!

There are several benefits of faux wooden beams, including versatility and cost. A wooden beam ceiling is easy to install. You will quickly see how this design element will add a stunning look to your home!

Here are the great benefits of faux wood beams.


Whether you have cathedral or flat ceilings in your home, faux wooden beams work as a great design element. A faux wood beam looks excellent in your living room, dining room, or home office.

Is your home design modern, industrial, or rustic? Do you live in an old farmhouse or a condo in the city? Any home can take on wood beams for the ceiling because they allow you to test and evaluate your interior decor.

Faux wooden beams match leather or cloth furniture. They also ‘pop’ with white walls.

A faux wooden beam ceiling doesn’t have to be in a straight line. You can put your faux wood beams for a ceiling in a criss-cross pattern, horizontally or vertically. You can lights or even a chandelier from your faux wooden beams.


The Covid-19 pandemic is causing lumber prices to skyrocket. Structural wood beams would cost a fortune in your design project. Faux wood beams are about one-fifth of the cost of wood beams for a ceiling.

You want to put money where it counts in a large home remodeling project and avoid wasting it. A wooden beam ceiling will add a lot of money to the budget.

Faux wood beams are a great cost saver!


Beams for a wooden beam ceiling are very heavy. Putting structural wood beams in a kitchen or dining room ceiling takes several people.

Faux wood beams, on the other hand, are lightweight and require just one or two people for installation.

With fewer people doing the installation job, you’ll also save money.

Environmentally Friendly

Many faux wood beams are made of a ‘high-density polyurethane foam,’ resistant to the elements. Instead of using wood, the beams are made in a factory. Workers don’t have to cut down trees and send them to a manufacturing facility.

These products are also immune to insects or critters that might get into your home too.

The Benefits of Faux Wood Beams

Cost, versatility, and easy installation are some of the benefits of faux wood beams in your home. These types of beams are also environmentally friendly.

If you want to upgrade your home significantly, regardless of its design, consider faux wood beams. Contact us today and let us help you be the envy of your friends and family! Give your home a look only found in fancy home design magazines!